Sunday, 24 January 2016

What makes study enjoyable?

What makes study enjoyable?

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Studying can have some great rewards
There are lots of people who struggle to find a motivation to study. Many people will view it as a meaningless or boring venture that holds no interest for them what so ever. Of course, this is understandable- who wants to sit in the one spot all day reading the same text over and over again?

Not me! And, I'm sure the hundreds of other people who force themselves to do this don't enjoy it either.

Why not free yourself from these thought patterns. Instead, accept the fact that your study-mindset needs a makeover!

When you study, you're expanding your entire perception of the universe. Studying brings your brain to understand entirely new concepts, ideas, and theories. 
By studying you are recreating the way that you perceive the world. There's nothing quite so incredible as that. If you're dreading the time you spend studying, it's time to read this post, and realign your views.

  1. Your brain needs to study and learn

This concept may seem a little strange – but it's true. Many studies have shown that when you keep educating yourself – your brain stays happy. Some studies suggest that without continued learning the mind becomes vulnerable to conditions that accelerate the brain's decline.
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Study is just as important to your brain
as exercise for your body

Imagine when you study that your brain is another little person. They sit inside your head, unable to see, hear or feel. It is only when you  'think' about the things that exist outside your head such as weather phenomenon, friends or languages that your brain can experience the real world.

Without learning your brain is unhappy and restless. As lack of stimulation makes your brain unhappier, it works less at protecting itself. Therefore, it becomes more vulnerable to attacking forces leaving your body.

2. It's an achievement that you can earn on your own
Most results take a lot of time to reach or organize. Studying, however, is a long string of small goals that you can choose to either share or keep to yourself. Did you keep studying for three hours? -Great, reward yourself.

You studied hard and finally understood how the present participle works? Fantastic!

So often in life we find ourselves waiting and waiting and waiting – all for some reward given to us by others. The danger is that our personal satisfaction lies in the balance of what other people want and think. When you take control of your needs and achievements you finally receive the satisfaction that you deserve.

3. It leads to greater self-motivation and skills
When you build discipline you can move along the path of self-improvement and better your general abilities.

Lots of jobs, now require individuals to not only do their job but to do it without someone holding their hand the entire time. Gone are the days when your boss would drop a stack of papers on your desk and give you a deadline. Now employees are expected to work confidently and unsupervised.
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Sometimes the workplace is a casual but solitary place

The nonintraprenurial, inventive and confident employees quickly find themselves falling behind. Therefore motivating your personal work is vital to your continued success in the future. Don't fool yourself into believing that you will magically have high levels of discipline and motivation when it comes time for paid work. After all, self-control doesn't come quickly.

Instead, you must work to integrate into your everyday life.

4. You will have a better idea of how to balance your needs

Another advantage is that when you know what you feel like when you're tired or lazy, you'll be able to know whether or not to keep working. This is an essential skill that will help to maintain your health and work ethic well into the future.

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Although a nice fresh snack might
encourage you to study too!
At first, you might convince yourself that you're too tired to study or exercise. It can be confusing to know whether you're being lazy or tired.  The best tip that I ever read is to always to try something for two minutes. If you still can't do it after two minutes, then you can leave it and do something else. Generally by the end of the time you're immersed in the task and prepared to keep working.

After a few study sessions where I made myself study for at least two minutes I learned to tell if I was too tired to study. The difference is critical for all people to understand. Otherwise many individuals will push too hard one day and not enough for the next few weeks. I feel much more in control of myself now that I understand more about my limits.

You can learn to enjoy and appreciate your strengths and weaknesses

When you study on your own you will lean towards studying the things that you find easiest and most enjoyable. This beginning process is probably the time when you will enjoy studying the most. You'll feel invigorated, motivated and continuously rewarded- fantastic! Eventually, you will learn that you have to study the things that you find difficult too.

Once you start studying the complicated stuff, your grit and tenacity will be put to the test. There's nothing so hard as studying for hours and feeling as if you're getting nowhere. This is when you realize you're not good at this area of study. Now at your next job interview, you can describe this as your weakness.

Why am I so excited about being able to tell someone else about my weakness?

Accepting and talking about a weakness shows that I know I have room to improve and have a plan to do so. That makes you a person who has a proven ability to deal with any issues that the world of education, work or life can throw at you!

And that is why we should all try to study a little every day...

Lulu Hensman

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